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Recent Movie Reviews

2 Movie Reviews

I really love how smooth animation is combined with fluid facial expressions. The background colour during the transition phase from normal bg to red-coloured bg really fits well the sense of imminent danger and it gave me a nice Ren&Stimpy vibe especially with Skipper's worried look. I love it in its short duration, I would watch such episode. It deserves a higher score in my opinion. Keep it up the amazing job!

First time I comment on a submission under judgement but I really loved and enjoyed this animation so much that I couldn't resist leaving a comment. First off I loved how fluid animation is, how movements feel natural and the overall simple environment with minimalist colours that help focus on characters.

Second I loved each character's design and how they evolved i.e. the bishop turning into a sniper.

Third the music, great music choice for each character. Each sample fits each character well, their personalities, abilities and role.

I really hope it gets high votes because it truly deserves

p.s. I loved the reference to Felix Colgrave's Double King for the King piece and nice behaviour contrast between the white and black King.

Recent Game Reviews

22 Game Reviews

34 on my first round, now that I tried it a second time I reached 64 but enough about score (yes, I've found Luigi), it's time to review this game after I participated this amazing collab that taught me some interesting elements about pixel art. I really love how it turned out and participating in the making of made this collab and game even more appreciated by me because I see a piece of me put in there.

Everyone did an amazing job with their artwork, you can see the many styles and different skill levels and even in those who are not mainly focused on pixel art, like me, really put effort with the shading, colours and outlines. Some designs were simple, others were more detailed but all had in common the fact they were made with passion and creativity. I liked how some well-known NG characters had a personalized note around them (for example Pico and Otis just to mentions a few). My heart melted when I saw and I had to find Mella since she is linked to Tankmas ADVENTure 2024, a game and collab I could participate. It was an intense experience so seeing her made me go "awwwwwwwwwww".

I admit that I have never played Wanted, the Newgrounds version is the first version with which I interacted with and I really like how it can be quite challenging. One thing I loved immediately, since the first time I played it, was the variability of the challenges. Some are more easy others more difficult even if the speed of the heads increases as you go on during the game. The game forces you to be focused already at early stages even though the challenges are manageable for the first 45ish levels. The graphics are very beautiful and the fluid movements, I like the transition between the various characters.

Music is very spot on with its low and fast tones. It helps the concentration a lot. It was a lot of fun creating the character designs and this experience taught me the importance of symmetry in pixel art when you want to draw a character looking directly at the viewer or if you want to create something symmetrical. Once again congratulations to everyone who contributed to this project, from the game development, the pixel art to the music. Thank you to those who played it and left comments. I don't know which character design I love the most, everything is just spot on.

I admit it is an addictive game in terms of beating your personal best and unlocking the medals. I will try again to see where I get. I wonder if there will be something similar or related to Pixel Day next year, I think so and in this case I will gladly participate again. I love Pixel Day because it allowed me to explore a genre I never considered to be part of my artistic production even though it's not prominent. I hope everyone had a nice Pixel Day, see you next year!

p.s. I found very funny being defeated by my own pixel work, A-bot more specifically, during round 64 XD

Jolatoons responds:

This thing they really liked

I think this is a game with the potential to become more interesting if some perks or abilities are added. The graphic is very simple and I like the old flash games vibes it gives me. In some aspects it reminds me of UFA: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/183575

The colours and simplicity of background and overall design highly reminds me of and I like it because it gives me a nice nostalgia feel.
Controls are slightly difficult to use when you initially start to play for the first time because when you hit the arrow keys to move left or right the ufo goes at high speed and you need to hit the opposite key to stop it. This makes movements a bit wonky if the mere goal of the game is to destroy infinitely the cars. It would be a nice element if it is inserted in a skill-based match where you have to skillfully control the ufo in roder to avoid crashing against the borders.

In that case I would love these sudden movements because the context would require ability and concentration. Another element I feel to suggest to improve the game is adding further levels with gradual, increased difficulty counterbalanced by some updates (powerful lasers, shields etc.) that you can get once reached a certain score or goal (i.e. destroy 100 cars). To make the game even more stimulating I would suggest adding some medals for example "destroy 5 cars", "avoid borders for 5 minutes" and so on. I don't mind at all the simple graphic of 2000-2010s, it's nice but adding more features like the ones I suggested would make the game more interesting. I reached 119 score but only because I got bored since there is nothing more to do except for destroying cars. If humans counterattacked for example this would make the game more challenging and so with more playability. Nice choice for the music, it fits the dangerous atmosphere.

So to conclude my humble review; add some features like challenges, levels, medals, counterattack from people, updates, missions and the game becomes a lot more interesting of course if you can do, otherwise these suggestions might be applied for a potential future arcade game in case you want to make another one. This is why I gave 3 stars as score because I see a potential. Keep it up!

Ok I admit I really enjoyed this game, it was fun exploring each room and finding winners of the awards by clicking on objects^^ I was happy to see WheelieYellow reaching the second place at least, I love his series and deserves a lot. Now my mind memorized Aalasteir's voice without even looking at the description of who contributed because now I am used to his fun voice and laugh (thanks to his interviews), and speaking of Aalasteir, congrats for being the user of the year, totally deserved. I am very happy for you!

I am also happy for ElRamondGMD for the Newcomer Award^^ and despite Yatsufusa's wishes seeing them in the fourth place of the category of the Most Helpful user put a big smile on my face^^, congrats to Pingu for reaching the first place though! Lol, I can't help but to giggle at Tom Fulp nominated among the worst moderators XD because to me he's everything but a bad moderator but it's still cute seeing him in a category different than the usual Never Logs Off (I admit I voted Tom but for this year I will give my vote to DamnedByFate).

Now that I am exploring again the supporter forum (thank you Techno!) I know who to vote for the next Oddball nomination. I enjoyed this game also because it was first time I voted for the NG BBS so it's a bit like I took my small part with those votes. I can't wait to vote again this year! I liked the music choice, "Tripped Up" really fits well the chilling vibe the whole exploration of rooms has despite its escape the room overall vibe. I liked clicking on things to get the medals, most of them were pretty straightforward to get: just hover the arrow and click when the 'lil pointing hand appears but the last two achievements were a bit more difficult (the last one actually).

I've noticed the symbol ☿: it's the symbol of Mercury which in Western Alchemy symbolises the principle of fusibility and volatility, Paracelsus mentions the three primes or tria prima which are Mercury, Salt and Sulphur. Fun fact: alchemists thought of mercury as the First Matter from which all metals were formed, not only Western alchemists but also Eastern ones. They thought it was the father of all metals so being able to control this equals to control the Matter, this is why in Classical India there are exercises aimed at retaining mercury inside the penis. This is still practiced among some alchemists.

Well, asides from this little alchemical excursus, this symbol I found across the room gave me the hint it was linked with the exit from this room. I clicked on them and then door but nothing, I couldn't find the last piece to solve this little minigame until I read a comment of a person who mentioned the TAB key. Thanks to this key I managed to get the last achievement, so I would like to share here how to get this one since only 21 people got it (at the time I am writing this review). The last achievement called "True Believer" can be obtained by following these steps:

1) click TAB key, you will see yellow rectangles that indicate you where to click (click with ENTER key instead of the mouse for this last achievement if you want to be more precise but nothing prevents you from clicking with the mouse too, I preferred ENTER because it was more convenient to my needs)

2) click on all ☿ symbols you see across the rooms (the first one is on the bookshelf next to the escape door, the second one is on the bed (click the left part of the screen to access the room), again left and you will see the third ☿ that is on the barrel

3) click again left to get to the room with the PC and click on the "B" of the "SHUN THE NON-BELIEVER" writing

4) again left and click on the door lock and enjoy your 50 points!

Congratulations to all winners and to Little-Rena, Aalasteir and Pop-Tart for making this game! 5/5

See you the next BBBS awards!

Recent Audio Reviews

9 Audio Reviews

Ooooohhhh wow, a song dedicated to Newgrounds! I love how it turned out. I like the mix between early 2000s and more modern tunes since they well represent what NG is: a mix of past and present while keeping going towards the future.

@MrMcMusic I can translate the lyrics for you since I am studying the language (forgive me if it's not the best translation possible, still learning a lot about it):

On Newgrounds, where creativity is on fire,
Melodies are playing, ideas are shining in me
Here, every artist, every musician,
Create masterpieces, inspire our minds.

and here the non-cursive writing for those who might have trouble reading in cursive:

На сайте Newgrounds, где творчество в огне,
Звучат мелодии, сияют идеи во мне.
Здесь каждый художник, каждый музыкант,
Создают шедевры, вдохновляют наш разум

I liked the use of the prepositional singular of о́гнь because it's a poetic/date form for the alternative ого́нь ("fire") and songs are a different type of poems, poems which are chanted and in the past poetry and songs were much more united (I think of Ancient Greece poetry or Skaldic poetry) even if it is still very present. I also like the free verse in this small poem/song and the anaphora in line 2 and 3 (the "з" in both звуча́т and здесь), they add a fluid rhythm to the song. I like the allitterative sound of the voiced alveolar fricative that alternates with the voiceless alveolar fricative (звучать, здесь, музыкант, создают and разум). This alternation of voiced and voiceless alveolar sounds creates a cadenced and dynamic progression that is very pleasant to the attentive ear. The text, although short, I think encapsulates very well what many other people feel; Newgrounds as a constant and creative experience.

This is a sentiment shared among many, including me. I really like the notes that start from 00:36, they have strong rhythm that reminds me of the stomp of feet on the ground. There is something earthy in this rhythm if we wanted to use an elemental metaphor. Personally I imagine this song being played in a disco to celebrate something related to the site. I also really like the flow of the pacing: from a very calm and serene introduction that acts as a musical base to the actual rhythm that expresses a sense of hope and gratitude (01:16).

I am very glad your work got frontpaged, it really deserved it^^ Keep it up!

I love how all of this sounds to me like a living wall of sounds, like a breathing experience. I really like how not only the rhythm, the intonation but also the underlying tone of a dream-like trance experience or a trance-like dream is constructed.

I find very cool how the tempo repeats melodic phrases and the musical form that distinctly builds the tension and elements throughout the track often culminating in 1 to 2 "peaks" or "drops"

I like the chorus-like tune that can be heard at 00:48, 01:47, 03:35 and 08:13 because it almost seems like a tunnel that leads the listener to a new gallery of sounds through this dimension. If I had to mentally imagine the colors that this sort of choir induces in my mind, it would be a color mixed with violet, purple and blue with green hues just outlined. What I love the most about this complex song is the presence of mixed layers with distinctly foreshadowed build-up and release. mid-song climax followed by a soft breakdown disposing of beats and percussion entirely, leaving the melody or atmospherics to stand alone for an extended period before gradually building up again.

I like the first 01:47 minute as it builds up the underlying theme of the track, I've noticed it can be mentally divided into three sections, each of them works in harmony with the previous and next part to build such theme.

00:00-00:30---> this first part recalls a tapping of feet, my mind visualizes a yellow ochre desert terrain, the rhythm is dry, dry but serves as an introductory door to the second part.

00:31-01:00---> the second component instead is enriched by this more lively and vital rhythm as if in this hypothetical desert succulent plants, with vibrant green leaves and large purple flowers, were sprouting. And already in this part here we hear that angelic choir introduced that will be heard in all its calming power at minute 01:47. It is almost as if it were a foreshadowing for what will be needed in that minute to create the soft breakdown necessary to introduce the main theme.

00:01-01:46---> the last section instead is a mix of the previous ones, it is as if it were an evolution of the previous stages. After all, trance is an altered state of mind that accumulates past experiences and enriches itself with them, and this musical genre well exemplifies this state.

The mid-song climax followed by a soft breakdown disposes beats and percussion entirely, leaving the oneiric atmospherics to stand alone for an extended period before gradually building up again. The length of the track allow for such progression and has sufficiently sparse opening and closing sections to make the overall composition well paced and highly enjoyable. Even now as I'm writing this review I'm moving some parts of my body to the rhythm of the song.

Despite the apparent lively and aggressive pace, the last part (06:42) actually calms me down a lot, as if I had reached the state I was aiming for. I relistened to the song several times not only to better analyse it but also to fully experience each part and as you said it's a journey. A journey in our minds, a journey in our senses, a journey in our thoughts and feelings. A really superb track! Congratulation for the amazing job. I hope it gets frontpaged.

SHE-RE responds:

This all was so nice to read! I was definitely going for some dreamlike atmospheres, so it's nice for me hearing that those came through so well for you. Thank you!

I've been listening to this song practically on loop because I love it so much! I love how catchy it is, it might even become my own personal Ohrwurm. I love how the electronic musical instruments

I like how the clinking sound (00:00-00:06) that opens the composition gets enriched by the dubstep accompaniment starting from the seventh second of the track. This baseline then evolves into an extremely dynamic catchy tune (00:12) that turns into a musical rhythm that makes you want to dance with all your energy. I like how the dubstep takes the place of the tinkling sound at the beginning of the first six seconds, to become itself the liquid base (like drops of water falling on the rock) of the first part of the song.

The part that starts from 00:36 is one of my favourite because synths and timbers are so well placed that my mind figures them as a walk in a street that evolves into a brisk walk at a sustained pace. The happy feeling of the song is well expressed by the offbeat rhythm of bass as rightly SHE-RE pointed out below. It's a song that is calling you to dance wildly until you run out of air and collapse but with a full, contented, feeling in the heart: leaving your emotions and energies roam freely.

It's interesting how the main theme of the composition that starts from 00:12 is then repeated in the second part of the song at 01:30, almost like a "snake" and encloses the central theme (expressed in my opinion starting from 00:12) and the reprise part at the second 00:36 which serves to build the crescendo of the second half of the song. I'm only relatively recently discovering EDM and this song is one of my favorites so much so that I plan to feature it in the next Takeover Tuesday. Congratulations indeed, it's very beautiful, sunny, rhythmic and full of joy and honestly I need audio pieces like this in this period.

Keep it up!

EDIT 28/01/2025: featured for the Takeover Tuesday :)

Recent Art Reviews

40 Art Reviews

I still remember when Archduke Franz Ferdinand got assassinated because he forgot his daily Serbian lessons, and this is why you must learn French or off to the trench!

Wow, I really love this coloured digital piece! I liked the different gradient hues on her body, notably on her left side. Nice pose too. I like the slightly inclined angle, it gives a sense of grandeur in terms of size. The Y2K style makes everything really enjoyable to look at because despite the simplicity of the composition, it's a nice mix of futuristic and nostalgic elements. The vibrant and bright colours make everything highly eye-catching.

It's a candy for the eyes I admit. It's a style I am recently discovering and I find it interesting, I may try it one day for some of my artworks, who knows. But back to the drawing: I've noticed the linearts differ and I see the basic theory applied here. What do I mean? I mean that it's important to draw outlines thicker while details shall have thinner linearts. This gives a nice sense of volumes and details are more highlighted like in this case. I can see that this contrast helps the viewer to focus on the character herself.

The only thing I would like to point out is the way the right arm is drawn. It is not possible to see the inclination of the forearm well, the perspective of it seems a little off. To get around this problem I might recommend first drawing the skeleton of the body you want to draw, a circle for the head, rectangles for the torso and abdomen if you like, straight lines for the limbs and small circles for the joints between the limbs. Starting with lines and geometric shapes also helps you see potential problems with perspective and angle. Art is about decision making, about what you want and deciding everything you do will be affected by it.

The uniform is beautiful, I would suggest just a little more pleats, just enough to give a touch of extra detail even if I can fully understand the choice of a minimalist style :)
Colours are nicely vibrant and I like that the background has this hue gradient. It makes everything more pleasant. I am very happy to see your coloured, digital works. They have lots of potential to be very pleasant to look at. Keep it up.

By the way this is my 69th review^^ you got the funni number, lol.

SouSTAR responds:

Thank you very much for your review, ShangXian! :D

I do use the 3D shape method, but I forgot to draw the right arm this way lol
I'm still trying to draw different outlines, but as you can see, it's not perfect yet ^^
Thank you very much for your support :)

Funni number is funni! XD

Time to leave my feedback on this beautiful and creative way of rendering our favourite NG trio: Pico & friends.

The first thing that struck me was the brightness and vividness of the colors on the individual characters' clothes. I love the color of Darnell's pants and how his dress matches his skin tone. The whole thing is a lively harmony of colors and design (I have a sweet tooth for yellow and violet combined together). I noticed the spray can behind him, nice detail! And this brings me to the second element that I really liked about this fanart: the union of classic style of character design (the color palette of the clothes for example, the common objects associated with them like the spray can) with your style of rendering them.

First of all I've noticed in your style the thickness of the lineart. It is thick enough not to weigh down the design and not to tire the eye making it look elsewhere. I find it well balanced with the colors which, as I said, are nice and bright and are incorporated well into the lineart, making the whole thing visually even more pleasant. Even though Nene doesn't have with her the famous knife, I noticed her nails are slightly pointed. Is this a reference to her sharp personality and therefore symbolically to the knives or is it just me overthinking? Either way, it's another nice little detail that I noticed and really liked.

But if there is one detail that I know for sure is a trademark it is the scar on Pico's stomach. This scar comes from Hanzo during the events of Pico's School, so kudos to you for showing this detail ;)

Another element of how personal style gives more prominence to the character design of the characters is the hairstyle. It retains elements of the original design but drifts away with the addition of a personal touch such as Darnell's thick hair or Pico's flame-like hair. Nene's hairstyle despite retaining some elements of the FNF style still has a distinctive touch such as the curvature of the hair on the forehead (right side) or in the center of the head.

But I admit Nene's hairstyle is gorgeous and it's my favourite because it's so elegant and fits her perfectly! Wow I would courtship her just for the elegance she radiates but I know she can be quite deadly if you rub her the wrong way XD

And this brings to another element that added uniqueness to this fanart: their personalities shown through the way they look at the potential viewer. All three are characterized by a rebellious and pissed off look, as if they would say with those eyes and way muscle lips are contracted "you better not bother us or else!" I love that! The rebellious hint is also shown through the hairstyles (Pico and Darnell especially) and their overall clothing (Nene's skimpy outfits that further enhance her slim and slender body).

I also really like the angle of the faces and the muscular tension of the mouth. Each of them has a different emotional nuance that goes well with the individual character, for example Pico is the typical character who doesn't want to be bothered by stupid things and is mostly calm despite his schizophrenia and insomnia, but if you bother him just right... get ready to eat a nice bullet for breakfast. The fact he's showing the viewer his back is a further indication of his willingness to protect himself from the dangers this world offers and we know what happened to him to cause him such behaviour. Nene is a mix of wariness, curiosity and cautiousness so better approach her with cautiousness in order to avoid having a knife day (sharp pun I know, I go to hide somewhere XD).

In this depiction Darnell seems to be the most apparently friendly character with his smile and gaze actively directed towards those who are looking at him or starting to approach him. Unlike Nene who has her head tilted down to symbolize a wary and protective attitude, while Pico looks down on you with caution, Darnell seems to be the only one who wants to actively approach you with a mostly calm attitude. However, I said that he seems apparently friendly because the smile is more of a grin and the eyes do not have a happy expression but they are mischievous-looking as if we is ready to fight you if you are looking for trouble. And his fiery personality can instantly change the minds of anyone who wants to mess with him.

I just love Pico's "what the fuck do you want" face XD it's my favourite expression along with Nene's wariness. From a technical point of view I already mentioned the bright colors and the thickness of the lineart, another thing I wanted to mention is the shading and highlights. They are beautiful and very well done, I love those highlight spheres on the characters like the one on Pico's right shoulder, on his hair, on Darnell's right leg or on Nene's right hip. It adds a touch of freshness to the composition

Well, to conclude you did an excellent job with this mix of classic and modern. I hope more people discover your art and start following you because you have a lot of talent and I can't wait to see more of your work in the future. Keep up the good work!

The more I discover about Newgrounds, the more I see different worlds, flavours and hues.

Joined on 12/3/23

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