Time to leave my feedback on this beautiful and creative way of rendering our favourite NG trio: Pico & friends.
The first thing that struck me was the brightness and vividness of the colors on the individual characters' clothes. I love the color of Darnell's pants and how his dress matches his skin tone. The whole thing is a lively harmony of colors and design (I have a sweet tooth for yellow and violet combined together). I noticed the spray can behind him, nice detail! And this brings me to the second element that I really liked about this fanart: the union of classic style of character design (the color palette of the clothes for example, the common objects associated with them like the spray can) with your style of rendering them.
First of all I've noticed in your style the thickness of the lineart. It is thick enough not to weigh down the design and not to tire the eye making it look elsewhere. I find it well balanced with the colors which, as I said, are nice and bright and are incorporated well into the lineart, making the whole thing visually even more pleasant. Even though Nene doesn't have with her the famous knife, I noticed her nails are slightly pointed. Is this a reference to her sharp personality and therefore symbolically to the knives or is it just me overthinking? Either way, it's another nice little detail that I noticed and really liked.
But if there is one detail that I know for sure is a trademark it is the scar on Pico's stomach. This scar comes from Hanzo during the events of Pico's School, so kudos to you for showing this detail ;)
Another element of how personal style gives more prominence to the character design of the characters is the hairstyle. It retains elements of the original design but drifts away with the addition of a personal touch such as Darnell's thick hair or Pico's flame-like hair. Nene's hairstyle despite retaining some elements of the FNF style still has a distinctive touch such as the curvature of the hair on the forehead (right side) or in the center of the head.
But I admit Nene's hairstyle is gorgeous and it's my favourite because it's so elegant and fits her perfectly! Wow I would courtship her just for the elegance she radiates but I know she can be quite deadly if you rub her the wrong way XD
And this brings to another element that added uniqueness to this fanart: their personalities shown through the way they look at the potential viewer. All three are characterized by a rebellious and pissed off look, as if they would say with those eyes and way muscle lips are contracted "you better not bother us or else!" I love that! The rebellious hint is also shown through the hairstyles (Pico and Darnell especially) and their overall clothing (Nene's skimpy outfits that further enhance her slim and slender body).
I also really like the angle of the faces and the muscular tension of the mouth. Each of them has a different emotional nuance that goes well with the individual character, for example Pico is the typical character who doesn't want to be bothered by stupid things and is mostly calm despite his schizophrenia and insomnia, but if you bother him just right... get ready to eat a nice bullet for breakfast. The fact he's showing the viewer his back is a further indication of his willingness to protect himself from the dangers this world offers and we know what happened to him to cause him such behaviour. Nene is a mix of wariness, curiosity and cautiousness so better approach her with cautiousness in order to avoid having a knife day (sharp pun I know, I go to hide somewhere XD).
In this depiction Darnell seems to be the most apparently friendly character with his smile and gaze actively directed towards those who are looking at him or starting to approach him. Unlike Nene who has her head tilted down to symbolize a wary and protective attitude, while Pico looks down on you with caution, Darnell seems to be the only one who wants to actively approach you with a mostly calm attitude. However, I said that he seems apparently friendly because the smile is more of a grin and the eyes do not have a happy expression but they are mischievous-looking as if we is ready to fight you if you are looking for trouble. And his fiery personality can instantly change the minds of anyone who wants to mess with him.
I just love Pico's "what the fuck do you want" face XD it's my favourite expression along with Nene's wariness. From a technical point of view I already mentioned the bright colors and the thickness of the lineart, another thing I wanted to mention is the shading and highlights. They are beautiful and very well done, I love those highlight spheres on the characters like the one on Pico's right shoulder, on his hair, on Darnell's right leg or on Nene's right hip. It adds a touch of freshness to the composition
Well, to conclude you did an excellent job with this mix of classic and modern. I hope more people discover your art and start following you because you have a lot of talent and I can't wait to see more of your work in the future. Keep up the good work!