This is probably one of the animations I love the most for the February month. I keep watching and re-watching it over and over to the point I almost memorized the lyrics. The animation is very rhythmic (pun intended), fluid and dynamic. I compared it to the original gameplay and I really like the rendition of this animation. It really does justice to the game itself. The fact that it is a remake of an old animation made 10 years ago, makes this video even more beautiful and enjoyable. The old animation is also very nice and if you look at it with the perspective of 10 years in the future, you can see it as a storyboard for this animation. Lately I'm discovering the character of PaRappa and the more I look at him (between fanart and gameplay) the more I love him, and this animation does nothing but make me love the character even more!
Every time I see PaRappa move like that at 00:16 I laugh like crazy XD the absent-minded expression on his face is too funny XD like he was lost in his own world and was barely listening to the basic requests. In fact, even Instructor Mooselini's face says it all and confirms what I think. I also love how a few seconds into the song, the hood of the car flies off, revealing the steering wheels and the blue and red gas and brake pedals. I found it funny as heck. My favourite line of the song is of course this:
"When I say boom boom boom, you say bam bam bam! No pause in between, come on, let's jam!"
It's interesting how in the game stage, bad mode the instrumental shifts from G major to E minor, giving it a more depressing tone, and an additional descending piano tune plays. The camera switches to a first-person view, showing how PaRappa is swerving the car left and right. Road signs are replaced with a "SLIPPERY ROAD" sign and a "DETOUR" sign on top, reflecting the driving difficulties.
The part I loved the most was at 00:26 when PaRappa breaks the steering wheel, detaching it XD so silly.
Fun fact: Mooselini appears as cameo in a comic from The Amazing World of Gumball.
This whole video is a mix of fun, silliness and talent. The animation movements seem to follow the types of movements when a person drives, such as changing gears. The colors are vibrant and the whole animation is really well done. Congratulations to both Frontpage and Daily 5th Place, well deserved!