Ok, I must admit that this artwork (like all your Gallery tbh) makes me speechless for its beauty, talent and inspiration that gives. As someone who barely started pixel art between last year and this year, mainly due to Pixel Day but I plan to make more outside this holiday, looking at this especially the WIP not only inspires me to make further pixel art but it strongly motivates me since this work is helping me to realize some things when making artworks.
And I am not only referring to pixel art but to art in general. I would like to first review the WIP since it's the part that truly motivates me to keep going on with pixel art:
-the first thing I've noticed is that you started with the background or better the environment. A things I've noticed many people tend to do, and I do it too sometimes^^', is focusing first on the character and then thinking about the background as if the character should be pasted onto it when in reality a character should be part of an environment. The character shall feel the environment and this should be experienced by the viewer him/her/themselves. One of strong points of this composition is how Sunflora feels the whole environment, she is well inserted, she is part of it and she is vibing to it. This creates a dynamic structure highly pleasant to look at and is one of main points that motivates and inspires me.
-linked to what I said above is how the environment is basically built on two colours (first GIF) and then two lines (second GIF). Many people ignore how something more complex, like the final product we see here, is more than often the result of smaller and simpler structures whether they are colours or lines, or even both. I've noticed that the third GIF is what the entire artwork will be about. I can see your whole thought process by looking carefully at your WIP even though I don't pretend to know every thought you had when making it. That would be arrogant on my part. But definitely I can sense that you started with a basic idea: sunset and Pokemon. Then you built around it your childhood memory (your Pokemon from Soulsilver, btw I always loved Soulsilver, Jotho region is my favourite along with Sinnoh). Then on this idea you started to build the "skeleton" of what will be the composition starting from the two initial colours, then the outlines of the sea and the main, big cloud.
-and speaking of the cloud, I admit it's the part I love the most about the environment composition. The cloud is clearly a cumulus cloud. They tend to develop on clear, sunny days when the sun heats the ground directly below (a phenomenon known as diurnal convection). This is where they get their nickname of "fair weather" clouds. They appear in the late morning, grow, and then disappear toward evening. What I love the most about this cloud is the rounded, puffy, and a brilliant yellow when sunlit, while its bottoms is flat and relatively dark. The magnificence of the cloud is enhanced by the curvilinear perspective aka five-points perspective.
small fun fact about it: curvilinear perspective was formally codified in 1968 by the artists and art historians André Barre and Albert Flocon in the book La Perspective curviligne, which was translated into English in 1987 as Curvilinear Perspective: From Visual Space to the Constructed Image and published by the University of California Press.
back to the the perspective of the cloud and sea. I can see the geometric relationship, if we want to break it into more simpler shapes the perspective would look like this: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d9/%C5%9Aciana.png
(work made by Kuba Fober on 3 February 2011, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license)
Well if we look carefully the distances a and c between the viewer and the wall are greater than the b distance, so adopting the principle that when an object is a greater distance from the observer, it becomes smaller, the wall is reduced and thus appears distorted at the edges. This is how it would appear from the viewer's point of view: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/ae/%C5%9Aciana2.png/640px-%C5%9Aciana2.png
The choice of this type of perspective gives the sense of vastness and openness, plus the colours, entire colour palette give a feel of cleanliness (the water, the reflection of mountains in the water, etc.).
-speaking of water I liked how mountains reflect in fifth GIF, they look so crystalline and even without adding the more soft shading of the next GIF, they would look amazing. I understood the choice to make the reflection blend on water: ti give a more natural and realistic sense to the environment. As I said I love both possible alternatives (the more crystalline look and the more blended look) because art is about making decisions and depending on what you want to convey a solution works better than another, and I can see why you choose to work on it. The entire composition would have been refined and detailed so leaving the crystalline look would have resulted in something that clashed too much.
-I love how around the main cumulus one can appreciate cirrus-like clouds around them. It gives a really natural feel of movements and size (I mean the size of the cumulus cloud). Nice job when you started with simple strokes of the brush and the you built around to sculpt the final shape.
-I found very interesting that you initially places the lifebuoy at the bottom right but then decided for a more central focal point. I don't know what made you change idea, maybe to initially place the character as reminder to do it later and place at the center of the lake. Anyhow I like it and I like the change of shades between the 8th and 9th GIF. I also noticed the disappearance of the small light blue highlight on the lifebuoy's left part in the 11th GIF^^ (lovely detail in the WIP process).
And now the final work:
-I just love the whole composition especially after watching carefully the entire WIP and changes that occurred before reaching the final product. The composition is well balanced in both colours, perspective and the character chosen. Grass types get along well with water after all.
-The colours. I love the cold colours sequence that can be appreciated in this artwork. The only warm colours are given by the giant cloud which reflects the light of the sun which is about to set, but the real protagonists are cold colours and the shades of blue, light blue, purple and light blue. Blue is a colour linked to calmness, meditation, contemplation, rationality and thinking. Surveys in the US and Europe show that blue is the color most commonly associated with harmony, faithfulness, confidence, distance, infinity, the imagination, cold, and occasionally with sadness. In US and European public opinion polls it is the most popular color, chosen by almost half of both men and women as their favorite color. The same surveys also show that blue also the color most associated with intelligence, knowledge, calm, and concentration.
another fun fact about blue colour and gender: in the early 1900s, blue was the colour for girls, since it had traditionally been the colour of the Virgin Mary in Western Art, while pink was for boys (as it was akin to the colour red, considered a masculine colour). Blue was first used as a gender signifier just prior to World War I (for either girls or boys), and first established as a male gender signifier in the 1940s. Sales was a particular motivation for the gendering of clothing, as well as the invention of prenatal sexing.
In United States the expression "true blue" means faithful and loyal, and after reading your description I like to image that your Sunflora was true blue^^ and this artwork well show this! In Paganism blue is associated with peace, truth, wisdom, protection, and patience. It helps with healing, psychic ability, harmony, and understanding. This artwork gives me peace, serenity and almost a hypnosis to keep looking at it over and over since blue is also a calming colour.
-This artwork truly managed to send a very, strong positive vibe and I would hug that Sunflora for all the positivity she gives me with her easy-going and chill attitude. This is almost very Zen as message, at least this is what I see^^
Congratulations for the FP, really deserved. If only I could fave and re-vote other 1000 times^^
Keep rocking you and Sunreal!
I see the inspiration and it fits perfectly to Sunflora^^ many times the simplest things bring the most substantial results^^ nice job! I am listening to the song of the video while looking at your work, it's incredibly adorable!
And you are welcome, you deserved it.