Hello everyone, I hope you are having serene times especially now that Easter is gradually approaching. And speaking of something that is approaching I would like to share a little sneak peek of what I am doing for Pico Day since last year I couldn't participate due to the many exams I had:
This is the lineart of something that won't be a single work as I plan to draw the trio. I hope to finish it in time but since I am done with collabs I joined these months and I am relatively more free in terms of free time, I think I can manage it.
Another curious thing I discovered in these days while browsing the image folder of the assets folder from FNF game I've installed in my PC was this:
I personally don't know if this is just a test from the creators of the game when it comes to character select placement or a possible foreshadowing of the future playable characters. If someone knows more feel free to correct my assumptions.
Totally unrelated to these two topics, I plan to continue studying Russian language by myself despite the course is over and I passed the university exam. I will miss both the course, teachers, students and even the exam itself but this won't prevent me from continuing studying it and keep writing those Russian Diaries which helped me a lot in shaping my perception and study skills of this language.
Well, that's all for now. See you next time and drink plenty of water!
There have been more unused files found in the game related to the Tankman as a playable character, but the Daddy Dearest icon could probably just be a placeholder for BF's icon before it was finished. I'm unsure if the devs have any plans for GF's parents to be playable really and I sort of doubt they will be.
Yeah, maybe you are right when it comes to Daddy Dearest since I took a look at the finished character select where BF is in the same place DD's. But I wonder why they put him instead of BF. It would be cool though a campaign as DD and part of me would like to believe it. Maybe an alternative gameplay where he beats BF, who knows.