I love so much how this musical composition really gives me a water vibe, it has liquid notes with the basic leitmotiv repeated as if they were the drops of water coming from the cave of a lost atoll in the middle of Pacific Ocean. I am imagining a bright vivid light blue sky being soared by sea birds while a soft, fresh wind caresses the surface of the sea.
I love that dynamics of the composition starts at slow but peaceful pace and starting from the half part of music the rhythmic cadence creates an extremely catchy tune that combined with the nice loop that is created when music ends, make all of this a hit that sums up the spirit of summer: carefreeness, liberty, relaxation, sunny days, hot temperatures but fresh water to cool you down.
The melody is very sweet and this is emphasizes by the leitmotif that repeats itself and again reminds me of water droplets. I've listened to this piece almost 20 times and I love it so much, I think I will keep it going on while I create my piece for the summer collab as I love drawing while listening to quality music. Keep it up!