Ok, finally I can review this work after listening to it over and over and taking a look at the artists who inspired you and now after listening several of their works I can definitely see the inspiration and how you managed to capture the vibe of early 2000s techno sphere. When listening to a song, to me it's always important to catch the overall emotions and visual imagery a song gives.
Unlike a visual art piece where everything is crystallized in a static image whose time is more static, an audio piece is dynamic in time not only because it has a specific length but it also makes the listener spend their time into listening to it. I prefer a more active listening preceded by a more passive listening that allows me to grasp some initial features of the song. I like the mysterious vibe the song gives at the beginning, this mood is then built during the song in the first half and combines with the vibe of a journey through an unknown world. I love the aquatic vibe the drop-like sounds that can be heard in 00:11 enhance the mysterious vibe of this new world that is being discovered.
But the song is not aquatic because if we listen carefully starting from the twelfth second we can hear the future synth riff that will be fully introduced around 00:52 that adds a more windy vibe to the composition and fully embrace the idea of velocity like the title says. This synth riff reminds me of the rotor blades of a helicopter, maybe a futuristic helicopter but still a means of air transport. We can hear this riff in its power at 05:00. I like the use of this ostinato or insistence if we want to translate in English, even the drop-like sounds initially heard at 52 second gets repeated over and over.
A trait I love about techno is the use of an important rule of music theory, consonance, and its break into dissonance and repetition to make sure the sound is correct to the ear of the listener. I like how in the song the riff and combination of notes are repeated over and over again, giving the vibe we are moving fast along with the song while exploring this imaginary world. The "squelching” sounds and deep basslines of these repeated notes make the song really enjoyable and contemplative at the same time. It's almost hypnotizing especially in the last part of the song (around 06:47) where the listener feels united with the world he/she/they have experienced.
The synth at 00:52 takes a nice lead in speeding up the pace of the song and its rhythm. I think it's the part where it best shows the "velocity" element of the song. I also love the orchestral part that starts at 01:32 which enhances a slight sense of despair and hope at the same time with this transported touch. It also serves as an accompaniment that builds the backbone of the song, giving it a sweeter flavor. Yeah I sometimes describe things in terms of synesthesia because I have synesthesia, mostly visual, so don't worry if I use strange terms^^
I like the slow but constant crescendo we experience in the first half of the song where we are introduced to this world or experience. To me this song was an experience because it allowed me to see my own art under a different perspective. When I was mentally vivisecting it to break down its individual parts I noticed how visual art and music, although both organisms composed of various parts that come together harmoniously or even disharmoniously, differ in how they are structured. Music has something more in my humble opinion. Music is a pulsating organism that lives on components that breathe over time, visual art is a compact structure made of structural elements also designed to deceive the mind in giving the sense of three-dimensionality in its being a still image.
Don't get me wrong, I love both arts. I just noticed this and while I was listening to this piece, in my mind were visualizing my own draws and I structurally compared them to the aspect and external look of this piece and the techno pieces of the artists you mentioned in the description. A song breathes between crescendo, decrescendo, signatures, breaks, lead notes and this song shows all of this very well.
I've noticed a slight abrupt break at 03:39 that introduces a small break before getting into the second half of the song, I don't know if it was intentional or not but it's been interesting to notice that. It's very interesting the mid break at 03:50 because it introduces a breakdown with its minimal section that gradually build tension and a more energetic rhythm starting from 04:06 to become fully dynamic around 04:32. The individual riffs are repeated through the song, making it very enjoyable, maybe a bit of variation in the riffs but that's just a personal opinion that doesn't really matter because even this way the riffs are quite enjoyable.
The mixing is well-polished and the overall psychedelic vibe given by the more trance elements of the song (it combines three genres after all, reading the tags) makes everything very enjoyable and helps the mind to relax in a fast but not anxious pace. Overall superb job! I truly wish it gets frontpaged and when I will be supporter again I want to feature this for the Takeover Tuesday. It really deserves it, keep it up, CF24!