Hello everybody! Today I would like to promote another underrated artists that was suggested by my friend ChronoNG: Slushie Sweetheart
If I had to sum up her style in one sentence it would be: neon colour happiness.
And this is clearly noticeable since her first works such as:
A characteristics element that I've noticed looking at her gallery was the use of thick lineart around the character and this is well balanced with linearts of different thickness within the character itself and the bright colours like it's well shown here in these two pieces:
I seriously love how vivid the colours are but other elements that make her art truly enjoyable are the different angles from which the characters are depicted, because it creates a nice deconstruction of the overall composition. This other piece is amazing:
Explosion of vivid colours, dynamic pose and quite tasty visually speaking (the background helps to enhance this feeling).
In these two pieces another element I love, asides from the bright colours and fun design, are the strokes that combine with shading and lighting creating a cool and different way of building a three-dimensional effect. Her art is really enjoyable to look at and I personally think that reflects her personality too: fun, bright and lively. So why not giving her some support and hit that follow button? I would love to see more people discovering her. See you next time!