Hello everyone! I hope you are doing great! It's been 5 days since I reached 200 fans but I didn't want to celebrate it at first simply because I had put this post up and wanted to leave it for at least a week (feel free to drop your best work for a review if you want). But now I take the opportunity to say thank you for the 200 people who decided to follow this crazy bird person who likes to share stuff, fun facts and a bit of support to the fantastic and talented people who enrich this website:
An extremely simple draw not that different, from a textual point of view, from the drawing I did for the 69 fans where some of my OCs were featured. Here I wanted to show them more in detail or at least in full body. Yes, the "F" and "N" are not random in their font.
Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for deciding to follow me^^ it means a lot, it's really nice being appreciated I will be honest and I will do my best to keep being the person I am. I am also happy to see I am gradually reaching 100 reviews, because, even if I haven't stated it explicitly in my resolutions of the new year for NG, it's one of my goals for this 2025. I hope to surpass it and write even more reviews to help, support, share my thought and in general have fun with the community.
I am also participating some new cool and fun collabs like the Crazy Clown collab and the Tarot Card collab, while preparing at the same time for Russian oral exam I have this month since I passed the written exam in January with a very good result since I studied all A2 level in just two months.
I also started drawing the 6 fanart challenge I started last year, first two characters have been drawn. I can't wait to finish it and post it. In the meantime see you soon!
happy 200 fans! also links to join crazy clown and tarot collabs?
Here the links:
(Crazy Clown Collab) https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1542326
(Tarot Collab) https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1543076/1
Be quick in the Tarot Collab though because only The Tower remains so go immediately to the link of the thread, click this link and pick one that doesn’t have a check mark yet which is the Tower now: https://docs.google.com/document/d/112D65KWdIEb_3LD8uYtnlEw4my1cpndJcJd6zC9DxsY/edit?tab=t.0
after that write in the thread you would like to draw the Tower and the card is your. I discovered it two days ago sadly.